New Frontiers Escapes Tour Specialists

2024-06-05T12:38:34-05:00June 5th, 2024|

The best guides immerse travelers in a destination through storytelling, connecting them in a way that would not be possible on their own. The guides at New Frontiers Escapes (NFE) are no exception.  Their hand-picked expert guides are specialists within their respective fields, are charismatic natural hosts, extremely passionate, highly knowledgeable and professional. Each guide imparts knowledge through storytelling, piquing guests’ interest until the very end. Viewed as the best in Africa in their fields, they have a wealth of experience and stories to share.

The New Frontiers Escapes Guide Academy was established to ensure service consistency and excellence. The dedicated guiding program focuses on good storytelling and equipping the NFE guiding team to create as many in-depth travel experiences as possible.

Throughout New Frontiers Escapes history, they have prioritized ethical, unique experiences that connect NFE guests with the real Africa. They prioritize community relations and supporting many local social entrepreneurs and local empowerment initiatives financially and in kind, and have been at the forefront of ethical, responsible tourism in our region.

In early 2023, NFE decided to systemize their approach to ethics and sustainability, and, as a first step, joined Fair Trade Tourism and Travel Life, and have been putting the processes and policies in place to meet their certified criteria align to the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s Standards of Best Practice. They have been working across stakeholders, staff, partners, communities, agents and clients, to understand the issues and challenges, and to work towards global best practice. They have reviewed tours and suppliers, edited and added contracts and policies, updated operation manuals, and implemented a series of trainings, to help minimize the potential for harm and increase the benefits that tours supply to the places and people visited. By sharing knowledge, they aim to help change how tours operate in Africa, for the better.

They are also 100% environmentally & socially responsible. Including:

  • No captive animal interactions
  • No unnecessary disturbance in protected or delicate environmental areas (eg. jet ski, 4×4’s etc)
  • ‘Child Safe Tourism’ assuring children are not tourist attractions

If you would like to learn more about the exceptional New Frontiers Escapes guiding team, visit their website.

About the Author:

Gretchen Healey
Gretchen is the Marketing Director for the Kusini Collection.

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