Kusini Collection Blog
The Successful Sea Lions of the Sea of Cortez
Once again, Bryan Jauregui – co-owner of Todos Santos Eco Adventures, Los Colibris and Camp Cecil – is enlightening us ...MORE
Divemaster David: Diving at The Manta Resort
A conversation with David Magiri, The Manta Resort’s Divemaster As a young boy growing up in the coastal highlands of ...MORE
What’s New on The Northern Pacific Coast of Guanacaste!
The sales team from Costa Rica Sun Tours were back at it again this past weekend when they set off ...MORE
Jozibanini expands and new intra-Hwange flights
Imvelo Safari Lodges' remote Jozibanini Camp is tucked away in the far reaches of Hwange National Park, and is perfect ...MORE
Tropic Ecuador 2019 rates book available
Tropic Ecuador's 2019 Rates Book is out! It includes improvements to make it easier to find inspiration or solutions for your ...MORE
Unabridged Birth Certificate for minors Traveling to Namibia
The Namibian authorities have recently decided to enforce the regulations for minors under 18 traveling to and from Namibia more ...MORE
Caribbean Calling in Costa Rica – Hotel Aguas Claras
Photography by Manuel Pinto Check this out! Our partners at Costa Rica Sun Tours (CRST) tell us that ...MORE
Adios Plásticas! Big News out of Baja California Sur.
Our partners at Todos Santos Eco Adventures (TOSEA) were delighted to share that on July 18th, the Congress of the ...MORE
Guayaquil for art lovers
The latest innovation in Tropic Ecuador's 'May I Introduce You' program is reserved for art lovers. Eliana Hidalgo, a Guayaquil ...MORE
&Beyond Bateleur Camp refurbishment – Masai Mara, Kenya
Mary from the Albatros East Africa Kenya office was lucky enough to be invited to stay at the newly renovated Bateleur Camp, located ...MORE
New boutique hotel in Entebbe
Entebbe's newest boutique hotel opened its doors on July 1st for a new luxury option for your travelers. Just 10 ...MORE
Bateleur Safari Camp upgrade complete
The upgrade and expansion of Bateleur Safari Camp in South Africa's Timbavati is complete. A New Frontiers favorite for its affordability ...MORE